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Buy Radiant Survivor
and receive over 4 hours of inspiring audio.

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MP3 Audios from my Radiant Survivor Telesummit

When you buy the inspiring international bestseller Radiant Survivor, you'll also receive the MP3 downloads from my 'Radiant Survivor Telesummit'. That's over 4 hours of inspiration and information from me and 10 other experts in recovery and transformation, including world-renowned surgeon and author, Dr. Bernie Siegel.

Overview of the Telesummit:

Day 1: Finding our strength to recover

Examining our old definitions of strength; Defining strength a different way; The qualities that allow you to shift from the old you to the new you; Recreating a new life based on new life skills; How recovery is a life-long process.

Day 2: Emotional process of recovery

The emotions one goes through (based on Kübler-Ross 5-stage model); Getting past limiting beliefs that hold you back; Believing in yourself; What you are capable of in your "new" life; How to have a positive attitude and gratitude in the midst of trauma; Identifying what's really important in life.

Day 3: Spiritual surrender and letting go

Perceiving your circumstances as a gift instead of a curse; How we know our trauma before we are born; Separating who you are from your situation; Finding inner peace and joy through the most unusual of circumstances; Finding your essence and innate beauty instead of relying on your outer reality; Moving from an ego-based mindset to a more heart-centric consciousness.

"Erica Tucci touches on a subject I am all too well aware of. Her story is mine. She brings the reader through the realities and frustrations of suffering a life threatening illness but adds that ray of light at the end of that dark tunnel as hope is always there if you believe and find your own true strength." - KEVIN SORBO (aka Hercules on TV series) Actor, director, producer, multiple stroke survivor, author of True Strength

"Survivors have common qualities and are an excellent resource for all of us. They become our life coaches and help us to learn from our experiences and be guided by them. Erica's experience can help us all to learn about survivor behavior and thriving in difficult times." - DR. BERNIE SIEGEL, MD World-renowned Medical Doctor, author of A Book of Miracles and The Art of Healing

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